Hello! This is Kelanu's Website
Table of contents
- About Me
- Interesting Formulas
- Publications and Awards
- Art and Graphs
- Climbing, Snowboarding and Slacklining
- Music
- Solutions to Selected Problems
- Quantum Information and Compution Wiki

Cool People (Who Also Have A Website)
UCLA | Mel | Carter | Seth | Eric | Daniel | Liyu | Nathan | Srinjina | Kyle | Hunter | Logan | Brian | Ky |
Lumitron | Christine | Mauricio | |||||||||||
James | Joy | Jason | |||||||||||
Co-op | Silvia | Eli | |||||||||||
Other | Aaron |
People I Do Not Know But I Think Are Cool
- Isreal Gelfand
Anyone with an interest in mathematical physics or AQFT has no doubt come across the name Gelfand of the famous "Gelfand Triple/Sandwich" or GNS construction. I found, after reading more about him, that he was also influential in molecular biology, ran a correspondence school for those who didn't have access to a university, and believed in animal rights and was a vegetarian then vegan towards the end of his life.
- Paul Erdos
- Alexander Grothendieck
Below is a picture of Grothendieck with his students in North Vietnam in 1967.
About Me
My name is Kelanu. I study physics and mathematics at UCLA. I was previously an engineering intern at Lumitron Technologies from June 2021 to April 2024. I now work for Professor Saltzberg at UCLA as an undergraduate research assistant.
I am currently taking:
- Physics 115C: Quantum Mechanics
- Physics 180Q: Quantum Optics Laboratory
- ECE 279AS: Special Topics in Physical and Wave Electronics: Physics of Quantum Information and Computation
- ECE 271: Classical Laser Theory
I have a spreadsheet of every TV show and movie I have or plan on seeing; feel free to add comments.
If you want to contact me my email is kelanucr at g dot ucla dot edu or kranganath at physics dot ucla dot edu.
Once a month for the past four years I make a collaborative playlist, previously this has been on Spotify, this year I am trying YouTube Music. If you would like to add to the playlist this is the link
I have a YouTube channel.
Interesting Formulas
Formulas Involving Displacement Operators
The following formulas are useful when dealing with displacement operators.
$$\langle \psi_m | \mathcal{D}(\alpha) | \psi_n \rangle = \sqrt{\frac{m!}{n!}}(-\alpha^\ast)^{n-m}\exp(-\frac{1}{2}|\alpha|^2)L_m^{n-m}(|\alpha|^2)$$
This one I found on Stack Exchange but I forgot where and only have the original link.
$$\langle \psi_m | \psi_n \rangle = $$
This one is courtesy of Ryan.
Consider the following expansions
$$\mathcal{D}(1) = e^{a-a^\dagger}=e^{\gamma \hat{p}} = \sum_k \frac{\gamma^k}{k!}\hat{p}^k$$
$$\mathcal{D}(i) = e^{ia+ia^\dagger}=e^{\lambda \hat{x}} = \sum_k \frac{\lambda^k}{k!}\hat{x}^k$$
We know however, that a displacement by a purely real alpha is kick in position and a purely complex displacement is a kick in momentum. We see then that displacements in momentum are equivalent to position operators and vice versa.
Perturbation Theory
The first order correction to an anharmonic oscillator requires evaluating
$$\langle \psi_n | x^k | \psi_j \rangle$$
First we notice that if we expand $x^k = \gamma^k (a + a ^\dagger)^k$ then we can evaluate this by hand by drawing trees. It would be nice if we could instead have a formula for this.
$$\frac{k!\sqrt{n!j!}}{\sqrt{2^k}}\sum_{m=0}^{\left \lfloor{\frac{k}{2}}\right \rfloor}\frac{1}{2^m m!}\frac{1}{(s-n)!(s-j)!(s-k+2m)!}$$
Riesz Representation Theorem
Gelfand Triple
I am a big fan of LuaLaTeX, I've been using it to compile my LaTeX documents for close to two years now. In that time I've developed a set of scripts and enviroments that transform psuedo-code into well defined LaTeX macros for ease of use -nothing takes you out of the flow quite like aa curly bracket am I right fellas.
There are still some big bugs to work out before I can release it, but when I do I'll put a link here.
Solutions to Selected Problems
Quantum Computing
These are selected problems from Physics 245 at UCLA with Professor Hudson. A lot of the problems are computational and use a package called QuTip. I've selected some of the non-QuTip problems that I think have an interesting solution.
"Ramsey" spectroscopy with a QHO?!
Suppose at $t=0$ a vacuum state is displaced by a displacement operator with $\alpha = 1$. Then after a variable time $t_w$ a second displacement operator with $\alpha = -1$ is applied. Plot the probability of being in the vacuum state as a function of $t_w$, assume that $m=1kg$ and $\omega=2\pi$.